Business Opportunites

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As a growing business, we are always interested in new opportunities and collaborations. Please reach out to us if you’re interested in any of the following:


Marketing Exchange

Swap marketing with us! If you think you have a similar/complimentary business where this could be mutually beneficial, get in touch using our contact form. We are looking to partner with similar businesses with an ethos for good customer service, who offer great prices and products.



Would you like to become an affiliate? Promote our products or website on your own website or channel, and we could do the same for you! Reach out to us if you’re interested and we would be happy to talk about this.


Cosmetics Manufacturers

Sell your soap, shower gel, or cosmetic products on our site! If you think your product would fit in with our remit, get in touch because we’d love to hear from you! We are interested in adding new lines of products, branching out into new demographics, and offering more eco-friendly or homemade products. Get in touch as we would be keen to talk to you to see how things could work!


Bloggers, influencers, reviewers, and writers

If you are any (or all!) of the above, and like the service you get on, we’d be interested in a collaboration.


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